David Pierce // Matematik (Mathematics) // M.S.G.S.Ü.

Courses // Dersler

Math 116 (Basic Algebraic Structures), Spring, 2010/11


  1. Semra Pamuk: Monday, 11:40-12:30, M-103; Wednesday, 13:40-15:30, M-103
  2. Sergey Finashin: Monday, 12:40-13:30, M-104; Wednesday, 13:40-15:30, M-104
  3. David Pierce: Monday, 13:40-15:30, M103; Wednesday: 12:40-13:30, M-103
  4. Ebru Solak: Monday, 09:40-10:30, M-106; Wednesday, 10:40-12:30, M-106


Jimmie Gilbert and Linda Gilbert, Elements of Modern Algebra, fifth edition (Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole, 2000). Copies are on reserve in the library; the call number is QA162 G527 2000.

Some suggested exercises from the book (pdf file)


See one of the lecturers, or see:

in the Calculus Help Room


  1. Thursday, April 7, at 17:40. (See the link also for scores and solutions.)
  2. Tuesday, May 3, at 17:40
  3. (Final) Tuesday, June 7, at 13:30; places; solutions: scores; papers can be seen in M-228 (Semra Pamuk's office), June 27 and 28, in the afternoons
  4. Makeup: Friday, June 10, at 13:30, in M-102. All students who will take the make-up exam must inform Ebru Solak by email ([email protected]), by Wednesday, June 8.


Son değişiklik: Tuesday, 03 April 2012, 12:41:35 EEST